
Journal Profile  :
ISSN No. :1533-3604
Journal Title :Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research
Journal URL :
Publisher Name :Tamer Rady
Country :United Kingdom
Language :English
Discipline :Multidiciplinary
Organization Name :Allied Business Academies
Frequency :Quarterly
Start Year :2000
Journal Description :Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research (JEEER) is a scholarly research journal that offers an open access forum for the publication of the latest trends and research outcome in the field of economics and the economic education. Affiliated to the Allied Academic Publications, this scholarly journal enjoys greater acceptance among the economists, stock brokers, policy makers, academicians, educational institutions, researchers, scholars and student community at large. Sponsored by the Academy for Economics and Economic Education, the journal encourages a wide range of topics for publication including but not limited to macroeconomics, credit risk, normative economics, shadow economy, foreign direct investment, transformative economics, stock market participation, education and economic development, environmental economics, Micro economics, law and economics, econometric and statistical methods, pricing-to-market, etc.
Licence Type :No License
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