
Journal Profile  :
ISSN No. :2592-8279
Journal Title :Journal of Comparative Studies
Journal URL :
Publisher Name :Ilze Kacane
Country :Latvia
Language :English
Discipline :Multidiciplinary
Organization Name :Daugavpils University
Frequency :Annual
Start Year :2003
Journal Description :“Journal of Comparative Studies” is a double-blind peer-reviewed international, collaborative English-language scholarly journal published by Daugavpils University (Latvia) in cooperation with University of Zakho (Kurdistan-Region-Iraq). It is aimed at involving scholars from academic communities around the world and promoting a broad conception of cultural studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences. The journal publishes original multidisciplinary research articles dealing with issues of regional, national, transnational, international, and global significance applying comparative research methodology on diverse aspects of culture (cultural memory and identity, values and beliefs, customs and rituals, lifestyles and their social impact within social groups etc.) and their facets in literature, language, and society. By providing a platform for a scientific polylogue and collaboration in the framework of the research programme “Regional Studies, Literature and Arts” it is highly recognized not only regionally, but also internationally.
Licence Type :No License
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