
Journal Profile  :
ISSN No. :2598-3822
Journal Title :Saintifik@ : Jurnal Pendidikan MIPA
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Publisher Name :Dr. Muliadi, S.Si., M.Si
Country :Indonesia
Language :Indonesian
Discipline :Multidiciplinary
Organization Name :Universitas Khairun
Frequency :Biannual
Start Year :2016
Journal Description :SAINTIFIK@: Journal of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Education, published by the Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences Education, FKIP Khairun University, Ternate. This journal contains the results of research or studies related to problems in MIPA Education and learning which are published twice a year (March and October). The number of articles in each issue number is 8 articles. The SAINTIFIK@ journal was first published in 2016. The SAINTIFIK@ journal is published only in an online version with the ISSN number, namely 2598-3822.
Licence Type :CC BY-SA
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