
Journal Profile  :
ISSN No. :2959-2003
Journal Title :Pakistan Research Journal of Social Sciences
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Publisher Name :Dr. Hafiz Ghulam Yousaf
Country :Pakistan
Language :Urdu, Arabic, English
Discipline :Multidiciplinary
Organization Name :Centre of Excellence for Research & Development Islamabad
Frequency :Quarterly
Start Year :2023
Journal Description :Pakistan Research Journal of Social Sciences is an International, Quarterly, Tri-lingual (Urdu, Arabic, and English), Open Access, Multidisciplinary and Double-Blind Peer-Review Journal in the discipline of Islamic Studies, Arabic Linguistics & Literature and Social Sciences has been launched by Centre of Excellence for Research & Development Islamabad. Pakistan Research Journal of Social Sciences is an interdisciplinary Quarterly journal focuses on Islamic & Arabic Studies and Social Sciences that seek to publish arbitrated articles dealing with various aspects of life. It covers various branches of knowledge such as Quran Sciences, Hadith Sciences, Principles of Jurisprudence, Comparative Religions, Theology, Mysticism, Philosophy, History, Culture and Civilization, Law, Politics, Economics, Anthropology, Education, Human rights, languages, contemporary issues in Islamic perspective as well as Arabic Language and Literature etc. Pakistan Research Journal of Social Sciences welcomes inspiring, stimulating, and informative research papers catering to the complex and increasingly diversifying multidimensional needs of learners, Scholars, teachers and professionals in diverse contexts. Contributions that break new grounds in the field of Arabic, Islamic Studies & Social Sciences Instead of affecting the values of neutrality, diversity of opinion, truth and honesty, objectivity, originality, contribution of knowledge, strength for argument. Pakistan Research Journal of Social Sciences aims is to deliver a platform to academic researchers, teachers and students to share their efforts and circulate their results to promote research in the field of Arabic Linguistics & Literature and Islamic Studies, through providing opportunities for print and online access to quality material for all those who are interested in research. The score and goal of journal is to awakening and highlight the Islamic concepts to answer the questions and to find solutions of different issues arising in modern era in the light of Shariah.
Licence Type :CC BY
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