
Journal Profile  :
ISSN No. :3023-4670
Journal Title :Türk Folklor Arastirmalari (TFA)
Journal URL :
Publisher Name :Metin Karadag
Country :Cyprus
Language :Turkish, English
Discipline :Interdiciplinary
Organization Name :Turkish Folklore Research Society
Frequency :Quarterly
Start Year :1949
Journal Description :Turkish Folklore Research Journal (TFA) was founded by Ihsan Hinçer in 1949 and closed with the 366th issue dated January 1980; in May 2023, as a result of the negotiations with the cooperation of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hicran Karatas, the founder's heir, Mr. Bora Hinçer, transferred the re-publication rights of the journal in writing to Prof. Dr. Metin Karadag on behalf of the Folklore Research Society Society in TRNC. The journal publishes four issues a year online. DOI-tagged articles in the open-access journal are published free of charge in a double-blind review system. The Journal of Turkish Folklore Research is an open-access, multidisciplinary journal dedicated to publishing high-quality research in the fields of folklore, anthropology, literature, and other related areas in the social sciences. The articles published by the journal aim to represent significant developments for experts in each field. We are committed to providing an efficient service for both authors and readers. Our team of independent editors makes fast and fair publication decisions. The rapid dissemination of accepted articles to a broad readership and relevant communities is facilitated through a continuous online publishing schedule.
Licence Type :CC BY
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