Journal of Buffalo Science [ ISSN No. : 1927-520X ]
Articles of Volume : 4 Issue : 1, April, 2015
Arthrodesis of a Distal Interphalangeal Joint in a wild African Buffalo (Syncerus caffer)

Effect of rbST on Serum Biochemical Values During Various Physiological and Weather Conditions in Kundhi Buffaloes

In Vito Fertilization in Buffaloes: A Review

Factors Affecting Performance of Indian Murrah Buffalo: A Review Authors

Isolation and Characterization of Mannheimia varigena from a Murrah Buffalo

Selection of Biomarkers from Differentially Expressed Genes in Leukocytes of Buffalos Treated with Recombinant Bovine Somatotropin: The Importance of Sample Size for Reliable Discriminating Systems

Effect of rbST on Serum Biochemical Values During Various Physiological and Weather Conditions in Kundhi Buffaloes

Selection of Biomarkers from Differentially Expressed Genes in Leukocytes of Buffalos Treated with Recombinant Bovine Somatotropin: The Importance of Sample Size for Reliable Discriminating Systems Authors

Effect of Calving Interval on Milk Yield in Italian Buffalo Population Authors

Pesticides and Veterinary Drugs Residues in Conventional Meat: A Food Safety Issue Authors

Forensic Identification of Suspected Poached Wild Boar (Sus scrofa affinis)

The Domestic (Water) Buffalo in Africa: New and Unusual Records

Standardization of a SYBR Green Based Real-Time PCR System for Detection and Molecular Quantification of Babesia bovis and B. bigemina in Water Buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis)

Haematopinus Infestations and Mycoplasma Infections of Water Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) Herds in National Parks of Hungary Authors

Effects of Enteral Fluid Therapy in Continuous Flow Administered by Nasogastric Tube in Buffalo Calves

Omphalitis Leading to Urachitis and Acute Vascular Changes in a Buffalo Calf: An Insight into Macro and Microscopic Pathologic Changes Authors

Morphological and Structural Investigations of Egyptian Water Buffalo (Bubalus Bubalis) Sertoli Cells Authors

Influence of the Month on the Chemical Composition of Mediterranean Italian Buffalo Milk

The Reality of Buffalo Breeding in Basra Governorate

Factors Affecting Incidence of Uterine Torsion in Egyptian Buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) and its Response for Rolling

Influence of Parity on Opting Optimal Season for Breeding in Murrah Buffaloes Authors

Influence of Homogenization Conditions of Buffalo Milk on the Recovery of Milk Constituents and Yield of Mozzarella Cheese