Naucno-Tehniceskij Vestnik Brânskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta[ ISSN No. : 2413-9920 ]
Articles of Volume : 6 Issue : 4, December, 2020
Application of modern drilling machines in transport construction

Assessing the stability of hydraulic structures to the impact of hazardous factors of hazardous natural phenomena

Simulation model of a chair vibration protective mechanism with a part of quasi-zero-stiffness for the operator of a road-building machine

The influence of the length of the lining on the speed of movement of the pallet on the centrifugal friction roller

Experimental study of operation heat mode of the motor drum of a short belt conveyor

Structural optimization of the hydraulic drive of a mobile transport and reloading rope complex based on pareto-optimal solutions

Method for calculating the spectral density of the moment resistance on the working body of the road mill machine

Metallogenic Specialization Of Sienitoid Small Intrusions And Dikes Of The Kumbel-Ugam Zone Of Depth Faults (Chatkal-Kurama Region, Middle Tian Shan)