Articles of Volume : 1 Issue : 1, July, 2017
Signaling Molecules in Plants: Exogenous Application

Impact of Biovita on Growth, Yield and Economics of Rice

Bio-Efficacy of Pyrazosulfuron Ethyl 10% Wp against Weeds in Transplanted Rice

Effect of Castor De-Oiled Cake and Inorganic Fertilizers on Growth, Yield and Economics of Rice (Oryza Sativa L)

Influence of Bio-Priming on Field Performance and Yield in Maize Hybrid

Development of cognitive learning scale to test knowledge of Dairy farmers on Dairy farming Practices

Effect of Supplementation of Multi Enzyme on Production Performance of White Leghorn Layers

Thermotolerance in Chickpea: Physio-Biochemical Analysis

Genetic Variability of Bittergourd ( Momordica Charantia L.) Genotypes in India

Terracing, A Better Erosion Control Measure Than Contour Farming