Articles of Volume : 3 Issue : 12, December, 2019
Genetic Relationship with Confluence of the Plants

Rooftop Gardening: Making Roof Eye - Catching

Reverse Engineering of Arable Agriculture: Effective Mutation on Plant

Helping India’s Farmers for Growth of Agriculture Sector

Degraded Lands and Soil Protection Technologies in the System of Measures of State Support of Food Security of Socially Vulnerable Groups of the Population

Sugar Beet vs Glucose in Human Nutrition

Municipal Waste Disposal on Soil Quality. A Review

A New Wing of Production Function of Natural Resources Management – Divergence of Beneficial Services for Fostering People’s Voluntary Adoption of Innovations and Practices

Roads and Cleaning Roads Apply to Climate

Determinants of Mango Market Supply and Outlet Choice: The Case of Gambella and Itang Special Districts of Gambella Regional State, Ethiopia

Silvicultural Performance of 21 Eucalyptus Clones Planted in Northern Mato Grosso State, Brazil

Use of Biotechnological Tools for Environmental Cleanup

Effects of Climate Change in Agricultural Insect Pest

Determination of Lycopene Content in Red Vegetable Grown in Sri Lanka

Remove (Boron) from Irrigation Water by Using Duckweeds (Spirodela polyrhiza)

Multifunctionality of Farmland and Farm Activities and Multi-Actor Involvement in Agricultural Development Planning

GIS Based Approach Estimation of Area under Wheat and Other Major Rabi Crops in District Ghotki and Corresponding Irrigation Water Requirement

Efficacy of Aqueous Plant Extracts and Pesticide Against Okra Fruit Borer in Commercial Okra Cultivars

Food Process Industries: Island of Automation in Agriculture sector

Evaluation of Herbal Formulations on Fungal Pathogens of Plants: A Case Study

Evaluation of Pole-type French Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Genotypes for Agro-Morphological Variability and Yield in the Mid-Hills of Nepal

Martius and Flora Brasiliensis, Names Not to be Forgotten