Articles of Volume : 4 Issue : 2, February, 2020
Researchers Role in Forest Sector Development

Artificial Intelligence and Smart Agriculture for Agricultural Sustainability

Occurrence of Pathogens on Grains of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata Walpers) and Maize (Zea mays L) Infested by Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) and Sitophilus zeamais Mots

Impact Assessment Analysis of Artificial Recharge Scheme in a Sub-Micro Watershed, Manjeshwar Block in Lateritic Terrain of Peninsular India

Eucalyptus spp

CLCuD Infinity Affects Yield and Retards Growth Pattern of Gossypium hirsutum L.

Utilization and Conservation of Natural Resources Through People’s Participation in Karnali Region, Nepal

Animal Feed Resources and their Management in Nepal

Possibilities of Using the Wastes from Olive Production Facilities in Soil Improvement

Distribution and Taxonomic Study of a Newly Recorded Croaking Gourami, Trichopsis vittata (Cuvier, 1831) in Bangladesh

Impacts of Mechanization and Improved Seed Adoption in Maize Production in Earthquake Affected Areas of Sindhupalchok, Nepal

Growth and Development of Cattle Rearing in India

First Report Regarding Tassel Ears (Corn Cobs in Tassels) in CORN PLANTS from India

Air Pollution, Heat Island and Global Warming: An Urban Scenario

Plant Growth Regulatory and Insecticidal Effect of Silica Nano-Composites on Brinjal Crop

Copper-Chitosan Fused Nanoparticles as A Best Possible Remedy Against Fungal Phyto-Pathogens

Yield and Quality of Tomato Influenced by Different Sources of Fertilizers and Levels of Fertigation

Evaluation of Some Botanicals as Seed Protectant Against Pulse Beetle (Callosobruchus chinensis L.) on Stored Gram Seed

Removal Techniques of Nitrate from Water by Duckweeds (Spirodela polyrhiza)

Effects of Drinking Water Containing Aloe vera Extracts on Growth and Palatability of Black Austrolop and Koekoek Ecotype Chickens

Mycorrhizal Fungi in the Formation of Seedlings of Passion Fruit, in Organic and Commercial Substrates

Yield Performance of Maize (Zea mays L.) Under Different Combinations of Organic and Inorganic Nutrient Management During Spring at Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal

Odor Dispersion and its Response by Moths (Lepidoptera)

Preliminary Evaluation of the Potential of Macromycetes as Mediators in Bio-Hardening of Orchid Plantlets

Effect of Built Environment on Biodiversity

Meeting the Climate Change Related Nutritional Dilemma in Indian Subcontinent: Opportunities, Threats and Strategies

Effect of Pinching and Nitrogen on Yield and Yield Attributing Characters of African Marigolds (Tagetes erecta) in Deukhuri, Dang

Density of Girdled Horn Shell in Kyaikkhami Coastal Area of Mon State in Myanmar

Response of T. aestivum L. Cultivars to Nutrition with Organic Fertilizers in Long-Term Low-input Cropping System of Haplic Chernozems

Remove Heavy Metals (Cd and Pb) from Irrigation Water in Jordan Valley by Using Duckweeds (Spirodela polyrhiza)

Green Environmental Approach for Adsorption of Hazardous Dye from Water Using Tree and Sea Plant Leaves (Dead L.)

Impact on Farmers’ Health Due to the Pesticide Exposure in the Agrarian Zones of Kashmir Valley: A Review

Simulating Crop Water Requirements of Potato in Arid Conditions in South Algeria of Different Scenarios Using AquaCrop Model

Analysis and Diagnosis of the Management of Irrigation Systems in the Mitidja West Irrigated Perimeter

Productivity and Harvested Area. Analysis Short and Long - Term Relationship in Ecuador

Effects of Preservatives on the Vase Life of Two Rose Cultivars

Preparation and Storage Quality of Green Chilli (Capsicum Annuum L.) Powder and Paste

Structural, Anatomy Characteristics and Thermal Properties of Ampelodesmos mauritanicus (Diss)


Dietary Polysaccharides from Allium Species: A Critical Review in Dietary Polysaccharides from Allium Species: Extraction, Characterization, Bioactivity, And Potential Utilization

Vermicomposting of Tofu Dregs and Cow Dung to Improve Nitrogen Availability and Growth of Bok Choy Plants

Macroeconomic Implications of the Monetary Policy Committee Recommendations: An IS-LM Framework

Development of Cost effective Waste Water Treatment Model for Sustainable Utilization of House Hold Waste Water

Use of Seaweed-Based Biostimulants in the Production of Seedlings of Pomegranates (Punica granatum)

Land Evaluation for Land Use Planning Using Remote Sensing and GIS - A Case Study of Nawagaon Maskara Rao Watershed, Saharanpur, India

Planting of Eucalyptus in Malaysia

Effect of Different Organic Manure on Growth and Yield of Radish in Deukhuri, Dang, Nepal

Nutritional Ecology, Developmental Biology and Life Stages of the Model Mite, Archegozetes Longisetosus Aoki, 1965

Happiness Index; Current Status, Global Ranking and its Importance in the Government’s Agenda ‘Prosperous Nepal, Happy Nepali’

Soil Evangelization: Learning from School Cocoyam Project in Southeast Nigeria

Evaluation of Brinjal Production Influenced by Tree Canopies Under Litchi Based Agroforestry System

Glimpses of Sugarcane Varietal Screening and Improvement at Pusa, Bihar

Relative Efficacy of Herbicides for Weed Control in Rice: A Review

Conservation Farming Through Efficient Use of Resources to Sustain Livelihood of Dry Land Farmers of North-Western Himalayas

Determinants of Household Willingness to Pay for Improved Water Supply in Horo Woreda, Oromia National Regional State, Western Ethiopia

Grasshopper Attack in Rajasthan

Ergonomic Assessment of Occupational Health Hazards to Farm Workers in Crop Protection Activities

Effect of Plant Spacing on Yield and Yield Contributing Traits of Black gram (Vigna mungo L. Hepper) During Autumn Season at Gokuleshwor, Baitadi, Nepal

Onion (Allium cepa) Varieties Evaluation at Miyo District of Borana Lowland

Studies on Physical Properties of Peanut Seed

Tilapia Breeding Programme

Optimizing Sugar Recovery in India: Need for an Integrated Approach

Tritrophic Effect of Metarhizium anisopliae on Wheat Aphids and its Parasitoids

Niravu Organic Village - A Study on Niravu Organic Village Model, Vengeri, Kozhikode District, Kerala

Catch Trends of Artisanal Fisheries in Ghana, West Africa

Assessment of Heavy Metals in Contaminated Soil and Plants Around the Landfill of Nizamabad-Dist, Telangana State

Review Article on Phytoremediation and Other Remediation Technologies of Soil Contaminated with Heavy Metals

Factors Influencing Farmer’s Participation in Highland Bamboo Silvicultural Management Project: The Case of West Part of Oromiya Region

Remittance and its Impact on Nepalese Economy

Bio-chemical Constituents, Value Addition and Alternative Uses ofColocasia (Colocasia esculenta L.)

Potential Use of Angiosperm353 to Help Bio-prospectors Differentiate between Members of the Genus Attalea