Acta Scientific Neurology[ ISSN No. : 2582-1121 ]
Articles of Volume : 3 Issue : 8, August, 2020
Distal Catheter Migration to Mediastina in Ventricular-peritoneal Shunt, a Case Report

“Haquapathy” - The Most Natural Holistic Approach to Weight Loss

Schizo-obsessive Disorder - Diagnostic and Therapeutic Difficulties - Case Report

“KD Ear Blow Sign” in Rabies

COVID 19 Pandemic Anxiety and its Management

Physical Therapy in Mental Health?

A Neuroscientific Study of the Brain Stimulator and Simulation Model to Predict Breakfast PPG Using GH-Method: Math-Physical Medicine

Thermotherapy and Vibroacoustic Therapy in Preventing and Possibly Reversing Dementia and Alzheimer’s

Defeating the Devil in the Waste: Remediation of Infectious Covid-19 Waste

Centralized Pain: Status Review and Medical Management

Brain Imaging and Aging

Concussion in Older Population

The Brain and Consciousness

Death and Consciousness

EEG Features in Adolescent Patients with Borderline and Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Investigating the Impact of Prenatal Training on Anxiety Sensitivity and Control in Stress-prone Pregnant Women

Omicron Variant: Characteristics and Interaction