Acta Scientific Neurology[ ISSN No. : 2582-1121 ]
Articles of Volume : 4 Issue : 9, September, 2021
Brief Report: The Tele-health Administration of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA)

Neurological Rehabilitation: Need to Look Beyond Symptom Relief: A Psycho-social Perspective

Comparison of Depression among Married and Divorced People in Ethiopia: Secondary Data Analysis

Fear of COVID-19 Reinfection

Comparison of Hyperbaric and Isobaric Solution of Bupivacaine in Spinal Anaesthesia

Sacral Chordomas; Problems in a Developing Nation with Expensive Healthcare Needs. A Case Series and Discussion of Socioeconomic Problems of Treating Long-term Malignancies in Developing Countries

Postoperative Intracranial Remote Haemorrhages: An Experience from 2 Tertiary Care Hospitals

Effects of Testosterone Replacement Patients with Moderate to Severe Head Injury and Persistent Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism: An Open-label Randomized Controlled Trial

Comorbid Multiple Sclerosis and Huntington’s Disease

Can We Change the Current Landscape of All Addictive Behaviors by Adopting a Personalized Genetic Guided Approach to Help Epigenetically Induce Dopamine Homeostasis at the Brain Reward Circuit?

The Effect of Functional Electrical Stimulation on Gait in Patients After Stroke: Review of Scientific

Neurobiology and Spirituality in Addiction Recovery