Articles of Volume : 5 Issue : 1, June, 2021 | |
| An etymological evaluation on the +gil suffix | Author : Süleyman Kaan YALÇIN | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The "+gil" suffix, which comes to names in Turkish and derives the names of kinship,
family and relationship from them, is one of the controversial suffixes due to its origin.
Although there is a general consensus on the use and function of the suffix, there is no
agreement on the origin of it.
Various researches have put forward ideas about the origin of the +gil suffix. Some of
them have supposed that the suffix is a compound of two suffixes and the others have been on
the opinion that the suffix originates from a single word or a particle. While these studies
generally do not give determinations about the word or particle on which the suffix is based;
only the relationship situation of the suffix and the word "kil", which means house in Chuvash
Turkic, has been discussed in detail.
In this study, by defending the opinion that the +gil suffix originates from an
independent structure in ancient times, which has been also voiced by many researchers, it also
will be defended that the +gil suffix was originated from the same root with the +lAr suffix
which has similar functions with the +gil and thought to derive from the a-lar / an-lar (personal
pronoun + plural suffix) structure. It will be tried to prove that a structure originating from *+l
plural suffix and a pronoun-based word in both Turkic and Altaic languages are in the structure
of +gil suffix. |
| | A proper name in the legal context | Author : REYHAN HABIBLI | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The improvement of the legislation in the onymic system is one of the actual problems
serving to the development of onomastics according to the demand of the time. The basic means
of the regulation in the sphere of the onomastics is the codification of the official forms of these
names. Codification (codifying) in onomastics is the systematization of the normative juridical
acts connected with the proper names by improvement them from the point of view of form and
content and regulation of the language norms.
The social and political changes in the society cause the formation of the different
disputed speech situations and as a result of it increase the applied problems demanding the
special linguistic and interdisciplinary explorations. To regulate these conflicts mostly demands
juridical interference.
The object of the article is the proper names in the Azerbaijan language. The purpose of
the investigation is to determine the principles of the codification activity, analyze the functions
carrying out by the proper names, propose motions for the systematization and coordination of
the problems in the sphere of Azerbaijan onomastics. The methodological base of the article
consists of the systematic analysis, descriptive, complex and classification methods. The article
deals with the study of the specification of the usage of the proper names in the juridical sphere
as a language unit, codification of the name forms, the factors substantiating this process and the
main directions of the onomastic activity.
| | Writing Comparative Phonetics of the Turkic Dialects | Author : Tuncer Gülensoy | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Many studies were done in the past on the phonetic structure of Turkic and it continues
to be done today. Most of these studies evaluate each Turkic dialect in its own way. However,
in the some etymology studies and various articles and dissertions, comparative phonetic
analyse is also made. These evaluations do not give a detailed result in terms of phonetics about
the whole Turkic and they maintain their value as various information.
As of the point reached in the studies on the Turkic, it is a great task to write the
comparative phonetics of Turkic dialects. In this study, the importance and necessity of such
study will be emphasized through examples. |
| | An important area where the Turkic Language is lost: India | Author : Nevzat Özkan | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The Turk presence in India dates back to BC. In the 9th century, with the conversion of
the Uighurs to religions such as Buddhism and Brahmanism, religious and cultural elements of
Indian origin began to spread among the Turks. Turk dominance in India, which started with
Gazneli Mahmud at the beginning of the 10th century, continued with the periods of the Delhi
Turk Sultanate, Gurlus, Halachs, Tugluks, Timurids. The Mughal domination, which started in
the 16th century, lasted until the middle of the 19th century. During this period, a significant
part of India became Islamized and Turkic increased its importance. In this process, Turkic,
which was used side by side with Arabic and Persian among the members of the dynasty and
Muslims, was taught with dictionaries and grammar books as well as being a literary language, became a daily communication language and thus preserved its importance for centuries.
However, Turkic, which started to lose its power since the beginning of the 20th century, is
taught only at an academic level in a limited area today and lives with its memories in the
languages used in India. |