Articles of Volume : 2 Issue : 14, December, 2018 | |
| THE PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF THE SYSTEM COMPREHENSION OF INNOVATION AND INNOVATIVE SECURITY IN THE METHODS AND STUDY METHODOLOGY CONTEXT | Author : Vasile SACOVICI, doctor habilitate in Political Sciences, university professor, Technical University of Belarus, the Republic of Belarus (113vs@mail.ru) | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Abstract
The value of a correctly chosen methodology for any research is big, and for studying the process of ensuring innovative security in the formation of an innovative
economy as a completely something new and phenomenon in the overall system and
structure of national security is huge. In this regard, this article attempts a scientifically philosophical understanding of the systematic and innovative processes in the
modern world, the new interpretation of ensuring the safety of innovative processes
and the rationale, in the research methods and methodology context, of a new phenomenon of national security - the system of innovative security and its role in creating
and the development of a national innovation system.
| | MISSION OF GENERAL SAVARI AND RUSSIA AFTER SIGNING OF THE TILZIT WORL | Author : Oleg SOCOLOV, PhD in History, associate professor, State University of Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation (sokolov1796@yandex.ru); Anastasia ESCHENKO, PhD students, State University of Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation (eshencko.anastasya@yandex.ru) | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Abstract
This article explores the relationship between Russia and France after the treaty
of Tilsit in 1807, reflected in the reports of the French general Savary who was sent
for a special mission to St. Petersburg in July 1807. Having examined the content of
the reports, the authors showed that the initial negative opinion of the Russian society
about the Peace of Tilsit was a natural reaction on the recently ended war.
The opinion of the Moscow nobility, divided into parties, wasn’t unified, and if
after a few years Russia moved from peace and alliance with France to sharp confrontation, largely due to the personal decision of Emperor Alexander I, but not because
of the anti-French attitude of the noble society.
| | MISSION OF GENERAL SAVARI AND RUSSIA AFTER SIGNING OF THE TILZIT WORLD | Author : Oleg SOCOLOV, PhD in History, associate professor, State University of Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation (sokolov1796@yandex.ru); Anastasia ESCHENKO, PhD students, State University of Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation (eshencko.anastasya@yandex.ru) | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Abstract
This article explores the relationship between Russia and France after the treaty
of Tilsit in 1807, reflected in the reports of the French general Savary who was sent
for a special mission to St. Petersburg in July 1807. Having examined the content of
the reports, the authors showed that the initial negative opinion of the Russian society
about the Peace of Tilsit was a natural reaction on the recently ended war.
The opinion of the Moscow nobility, divided into parties, wasn’t unified, and if
after a few years Russia moved from peace and alliance with France to sharp confrontation, largely due to the personal decision of Emperor Alexander I, but not because
of the anti-French attitude of the noble society.
The article provides an analysis of the implementation process of the Republic of Moldova – European Union Association Agreement during the period September 1, 2014 –
February 8, 2018. The content is based both on the official reports, drafted by the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the Republic of Moldova, as well as on the
alternative reports, drafted by the civil society representatives of the Republic of Moldova.
The European Union’s assessment of the Republic of Moldova is presented on the basis
of the resolutions of the European Parliament and the conclusions of the Council of the
European Union. The author outlined the problems, which have sat the implementation of
the Association Agreement, but also the advantages that the Republic of Moldova can gain
in cooperation with the European Union. The article contains quantitative and qualitative
assessments regarding the implementation of the Association Agreement, the enumeration
of the EU’s conditionalities towards the Republic of Moldova and the objectives set out in
the National Action Plan for the Implementation of the Association Agreement between the
Republic of Moldova and the European Union during 2017-2019. |
| | MUNICH AGREEMENT: SOME MYTHS | Author : Dumitru SURJIC, PhD in History, The Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation (dimsu@inbox.ru) | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : Abstract
The article discusses the main distortions of the Munich agreement, concluded
on September 30, 1938. On the basis of the definitions of legal science, the author
is convinced that the definition of this act is a conspiracy. According to the author,
since this action was criminal in the transaction nature between the security guarantors of Czechoslovakia (both directly, through the Locarno Agreements of 1925
- France, and indirectly, by preventing the remilitarization of Germany, under the
terms of the Versailles Peace Treaty of 1919 - France and Great Britain). Therefore,
the parties that went to an agreement with A. Hitler about the expense of Czechoslovakia, seek to silence, distort this agreement or shift the emphasis on the SovietGerman non-aggression treaty on August 23, 1939. The main myths disseminated
in the modern mass media about the 1938 Munich Agreement are discussed below |
| | POLITICAL IDEAS OF THE DIPLOMAT ALEXANDRU SCARLAT STURZA | Author : Octavian MOSIN, PhD in History, associate professor, USM (mosin.octavian@gmail.com) | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Abstract
This article capitalises on the work of Alexander Scarlat Sturza, who held responsible positions in the Russian state, a part of which, since 1812, is also the territory
between the Prut and the Dniester rivers, known today as Bessarabia. With a good
theoretical knowledge, Alexander Scarlat Sturza manifested himself in his writings
in the field of history, the philosophy of history, he was an active participant of many
historical events of world importance, contributing to the history-making process. The
social-political sources of the rehabilitation of medieval spirituality, that is to say, the
ideals of Alexander Scarlat Sturza, have been embodied in the Act of the Holy Alliance. This act was anticipated by the Treaty signed at the end of the Vienna Congress,
which took place from September 1814 to June 1815. Inspired by Russian Tsar Alexander I and Austrian Chancellor Matternich-Vinneburg, the act of establishing the
Holy Alliance was signed in Paris by the Tsar of Russia - Alexander I, the Emperor of
Austria - Francis I and the King of Prussia - Frederick Wilhelm III. England refused
to join the Holy Alliance. At a later stage, the majority of sovereigns in Europe joined
the pact that was renewing by four congresses. The diplomat Alexander Scarlat Sturza
played an important role during these events. |
| | THE VULNERABILITY OF MAIN AGRICULTURAL CROPS AT RISK OF DROUGHT IN THE REPUBLIC OF MO | Author : Elena NIREAN, PhD in Economic Sciences, associate professor, The State Agrarian University of Moldova (ni-lena@mail.ru); Marcelia MITRIUC, The State Agrarian University of Moldova (marcelia-bujor@rambler.ru) | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Natural risks have always been that negative factor for the agriculture, which
should be taken into account in the development of the agrarian sector. Due to the fact
that the Republic of Moldova is located in a climatic zone with insufficient humidity,
it is periodically subject to the influence of particularly strong droughts. The droughts
of recent years have shown the insufficient level of adaptation of the Moldovan agriculture to drought conditions, which affect the agrarian sector more and more often
and with an increased intensity especially in recent years. From this perspective, agricultural entities need to analyze the probability of damages occurrence and to assess
them, as due to their specific field of activity, they constitute environments in which
the drought risk can be manifested predominantly. This makes it necessary to develop
urgent and long-term measures to reduce the drought risk. From this point of view,
drought risk management is a set of rigorously established and organized activities,
which, regarding the existing conditions and objectives, analyzes risk factors in a
security concept in order to minimize the risks and costs involved. |
| | THE ANGLO-EGYPTIAN TREATY OF 1936 AS THE FINAL STAGE OF POLITICAL-LEGAL FORMULATION OF THE MODEL OF «VEILED PROTECTORATE» | Author : Aleksey Sagimbaev, PhD in historical Sciences, associate professor, Bryansk State University, Russian Federation (sagimbaev@yandex.ru) | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The article deals with one of the most important aspects of the evolution of the
colonial strategy of the United Kingdom in the interwar period related to completing
the contractual relationship with Egypt. Special attention is paid to the analysis of
the factors that lead to the actions of the government offices of R. McDonald and C.
Baldwin resolution existed in this context. The article, moreover, is characterized by
the key events associated with the preparation of the Anglo-Egyptian Treaty of 1936,
which became the most important political and legal basis of British policy in the
region for the next two decades. |
| | ACADEMIC MOBILITY AN IMPORTANT POINT IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE STRATEGY OF THE DANUBE REGION | Author : Elena BADARAU, PhD in Economic Sciences, IRIM (el.badarau@gmail.com); Ghenadii BROVKA, PhD in Pedagogy, associate professor, Technical University of Belarus, the Republic of Belarus (gbrovka@bntu.by) | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In this article are discussed the perspectives and opportunities of the academic
mobility development in the context of implementation of strategy of the EU for the
Danube region. The major priorities for our country within the Strategy for the Danube region, the main directions for ensuring the academic mobility function. There
are analyzed some concepts of the education concerning the academic mobility which
represents a necessity in globalization perspectives, and promotes the coherence
worldwide and the science level enrichment. This is an enormous contribution to the
development of skills to face a new environment of learning and understanding other
cultures. |
| | The Constitutional Court – the only authority of constitutional jurisdiction in the legal system of Republic of Moldova | Author : Tatiana DABIJA, PhD in Law, IRIM (dabijatatiana@mail.ru) | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The Constitutional Court is a premier institution for the Republic of Moldova,
an innovation of the 1994 Constitution. The constitution of 29 July 1994 [2] established the fundamental legal framework of new orientations in all spheres of social
life, capitalizing on the democratic constitutional tradition in the Republic of Moldova, as well as the constitutional requirements of a modern civilization [11, p.57].
The Law on the Constitutional Court [19] was promulgated on 25 January 1995 and
on 29 August 1995 the Code of Constitutional Jurisdiction [3]. The Constitutional
Court of the Republic of Moldova started its activity on February 23, 1995. Thus, the
control of the constitutionality of the laws and the assurance of the supremacy of the
Constitution have got under the responsibility of a competent public authority, namely
a special body - the Constitutional Court. |
| | The Schengen Area a Dream or Reality? | Author : Ludmila RO?CA, doctor habilitate in Philosophy, university professor, IRIM (roscaludmila@mail.ru); Donila PIPA, PhD, SHLUJ „Marin Barleti University”, Kosovo (donilapipa@hotmail.com); Ardíola Bajraktari, Lawyer Specialist, Kosovo (ardiola@yahoo.com) | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The purpose of this article is to analyze the history and evolution of the Schengen
Area. This analysis is based on the chronological and comparative aspect of the changes
and alterations that followed the Schengen code. At the same time it represents a case
study of Article 8 of the Schengen Regulation. This article aims to analyze the rights
and obligations of Albanian citizens in the Schengen Area as well as the rights that take
place in the framework of signing the European Stabilization and Association Process. |
| | THE TRUSTEESHIP AND MANDATE SYSTEMS - METHODS OF EXERCISING THE TERRITORIAL JURISDICTION OF THE STATE IN PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL LAW | Author : Sergiu CERNOMORE?, PhD in law, associate professor, IRIM (cernomor2004@mail.ru); Doina CAZACU, PhD in law, USEFS | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Territory is one of the “major notions” of international law, arose from the need
of states to distribute their competences on European and American continents between the 15th and 17th centuries. In certain time periods, the concept of “absolute
competence” of the state over its territory underwent transformations. In this respect,
the international community, through international organizations, in order to ensure
international peace and security, the balance between the great powers and the countries which were only just starting to affirm their sovereignty, established international mechanisms for the administration of the territories. The scientific research that
we have proposed to carry out will analyze the international mandate system and the
international trusteeship system. |
| | GENERAL NOTIONS OF INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM | Author : Eugen GUTANU, PhD in law, associate professor, IRIM egutanu@bk.ru; Liliana STAVER, PhD student, Academy ”Stefan cel Mare” of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The article analyzes the notion of human freedom in the light of the historical
development of mankind. As a fundamental right of the citizen, the individual freedom
is a major component of the human condition, an imperative imposed by the need
for progress of the contemporary society. Man lives in the society, as a member of
a community, and therefore the rights and freedoms that are recognized to him, as
well as their transposition, depend on the economic, social and political conditions
specific to each state. It is precisely from the desire to avoid extremes that the state of
individual freedom is subject to the regulation of the norms of law, which determine its
contents and determine its extent, by establishing a “libertatis status” of the person. |
| | The evolution of the competences of the European Union´s institutions in the foreign policy field | Author : Valentin BENIUC, doctor habilitate in Political Sciences, university professor, IRIM (irim@irim.md); Liliana Beniuc, PhD in political sciences, IRIM | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The European Union exercises the foreign policy in a very complex institutional
setting, difficult to conceptualize as an instrument and as a competence, but also as
a highly fragmented policy. For more than sixty-five years, researchers and experts
try to compare the European integration with existing models, demonstrating that the
European Union is a special political system and suggesting a new concept of international relations that changes the traditional way of defining foreign policy.
By the concept of “European Union´s foreign policy system” we mean the totality
of the institutions which determine the development and implementation of foreign
policy on behalf of the EU, in a decentralized and multilateral way. EU member states are the most important actors of the system and European institutions such as the European Commission, the European Council, the Council of the European Union,
the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, the
European External Action Service - exert influence on the process of developing and
implementing European foreign policy. |
| | ANALYSIS OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN TEXTILE PRODUCTS IN MO | Author : Elena CHERNOVA, PhD student, ULIM (alena.chernobelkina@mail.ru) | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The analysis of import and export operations for the three sections of the commodity nomenclature relating to the textile industry. As well as an analysis of exports and
imports by country groups and sections of the textile industry. It identified some of the
problems in the textile industry of Moldova, and the positive and negative dynamics of
exports and imports, by groups of CIS, the EU and other countries on the three dedicated divisions. Formulated conclusions and recommendations on the topic «Analysis
of international trade in textile products in Moldova». |
| | USA VERSUS CHINA: PRIMACY IN GLOBAL ECONOMIC DIPLOMACY | Author : Vitalie CAZACU, PhD in Economic Sciences, associate professor, IRIM (emrei@mail.ru); Vlad PLETNIOV, PhD student, IRIM (vladpletniov@gmail.com) | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Abstract
The transition of power among national states creates a great deal of complexity
and challenges for governments - the great powers, the developing countries, as well
as those countries that are viewers of the transition.