Articles of Volume : 2 Issue : 16, December, 2019 | |
| CSI country experience in promoting economic diplomation | Author : Vitalie CAZACU, PhD in Economic Sciences, associate professor, IRIM Vlad PLETNIOV, PhD student, IRIM | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In the modern world, there are several processes that are of decisive importance
for national economies. First, we refer to globalization and its related processes. In
this article, globalization refers to the process of forming the global economic system
based on the material of national economies or, in other words, the integration of
national economies into a single world economy. |
| | Keywords: European public diplomacy, European cultural diplomacy, European Union diplomacy, European Union delegations, Lisbon Treaty | Author : Valentin BENIUC, doctor habilitate in Political Sciences, university professor, IRIM Sergiu NAZARIA, doctor habilitate in Political Sciences, university professor, IRIM | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Abstract
The article describes the international situation of the USSR in the post-war period, analyzing the statements of Western politicians, media publications and the activity of researchers. The division of the spheres of influence between the members of
the anti-Hitler coalition is analyzed from the point of view of historical and geopolitical conditionalities. |
| | The paradigm of innovative economy as the basis of the progressive development of the state | Author : Tatiana ANDREEVA, PhD in Economic Sciences, associate professor, IRIM Evghenii GROSU, PhD student, IRIM | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In the article are considered the main aspects and the concept of an innovative
economy at the present stage as one of the highest priority development areas for any
state, which provides the opportunity to increase the competitiveness of the national
economy on the world stage. An important factor in this regard is the attraction of
the necessary resources for the implementation of innovative development programs,
in particular the attraction of foreign direct investments to build an innovative type
of economy, as well as the interconnection of investment activity and scientific and
technological progress. The most important of these is the consideration of investments
as a kind of catalyst for scientific research, which is especially important in the
conditions of the transformation of science into the direct productive power of society.
In this regard, a model of financing economic growth based on innovation should be
formed, creating the possibility of developing the real sector of the economy based on
the latest achievements of scientific and technical progress and the formation of an
optimal structure of social production.
While innovations in their classical definition have always defined and accelerated
the development of industry and the economy, the term innovative economy has been
widely used only since the 1990s. An innovative economy is the economy of countries
in which most organizations are engaged in innovative activities (production and use
of innovative products), and innovative products exceed half of the total production or
is close to it. The sector of innovative economy appeared in the industry of advanced countries since the first scientific and technological revolution and since then has
become the dominant sector of the economy with high technology and high labor
An innovative economy as a whole is an economy capable of effectively using
any innovations that are useful to society. Moreover, this and the general innovation
system (infrastructure) in the state, which contributes to the implementation of the
ideas of scientists in practice and their implementation in innovative products.
An innovative economy includes, as an essential component, a venture scientific,
technical and technological business - a risky business for the implementation of
scientific discoveries, inventions, large and medium technological innovations.
The venture scientific, technical and technological business from the point of view
of entrepreneurship is aimed at obtaining high profits. And from the point of view of
development processes - on the creation of breakthrough technologies and powerful
new companies - world high-tech leaders. A key element of the innovation system
infrastructure is a technology park based on the achievements and experience of the
global venture business, on world-class specialists, on transparency and competition,
on the investments of business angels (private investors with experience in the venture
business), which make up at least half of all investments.
Competition stimulates entrepreneurs and management to create new products,
innovative production in order to maintain and expand their niche in the market, to
increase profits.
Free competition is the main driver of innovation and innovative products, and
as a result, the main condition for the development of the country’s economy. In an
innovative economy, physical capital is being replaced by human capital as the main
development factor and share in national wealth. This process has been and is taking
place at all stages of the development of the economy and society. But it became decisive
at the stage of the post-industrial economy and, especially, the knowledge economy.
For the modern post-industrial innovative economy of developed countries it is
characteristic a high index of economic freedom, which ensures freedom of labor and
its movement, freedom of business, citizens’ security, protection of private property,
free competition, a rational and scientifically sound presence in the state economy,
high demand from the economy for innovation and competition between them in
quality and efficiency. High and competitive quality of life. Human capital flows to
where it is more convenient to work and live for demanded and competitive specialists,
etc. Respectively, transitional economies must consider this particular development
vector as a priority. There is no doubt that it is the innovative economy that is the
main and necessary condition for the development of the economy of the Republic of
Moldova. |
| | Theory of Democratic Peace | Author : Petru FURTUNA, PhD in History, associate professor, IRIM | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The article focuses on the analysis of the theory of democratic peace - one of the
most popular and influential ideas in international relations. The theory argues that
democracies not enter into war against other democracies, but peacefully resolve
existing contradictions. A world where exist as many as possible democratic states
is a peaceful world. The theory encourages and supports democratization in the
world, a policy practiced so great by Western powers and international organizations.
Meanwhile, some researchers exposed the theory of democratic peace critically and
talk about its crisis. |
| | The public diplomacy of the European Union | Author : Valentin BENIUC, doctor habilitate in Political Sciences, university professor, IRIM Liliana BENIUC, PhD in Political Sciences, IRIM | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Abstract
The article presents a study of the public diplomacy of the European Union, by
highlighting its tasks, directions, priorities and means of accomplishment. Public diplomacy is a means of communicating the state’s influence on international public
opinion, in order to achieve certain political, diplomatic and economic goals. The
authors’ conclusion is that the public diplomacy of the European Union is soft power
focused diplomacy, being a more effective activity in foreign policy issues than institutional activity and European security and defense policies.
| | Culture – a sustainable development factor in Europe | Author : Simion RO?CA, PhD in Philosophy, associate professor, IRIM | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Culture is an important factor of social development, an instrument through which
various problems can be solved, including social-economic. In this sense, culture
appears as a factor of community development, modernization and sustainability, of
identity, cohesion and integration, being at the same time the exponent of the quality
of human life. In a society that assumes sustainable development as a fundamental
strategic objective, citizens must have access conditions to basic education, to the
process of continuous training and continuous cultural enrichment, to benefit from the
chance to be producers of culture, thus exceeding. the status of simple entertainment
consumers, the status with which they are often identified. In this article the author
demonstrates through conclusive examples that culture, cultural heritage, is not only
a consumer of resources as is sometimes claimed, but, on the contrary, culture appears
as a factor of community development, economic performance, modernization and
sustainability, of identity, cohesion and integration, being at the same time the
exponent of the quality of human life.
Keywords: culture, cultural heritage, human society, cultural values, sustainable
development, economic development. |
| | Sexual aggression – phenomena with negative impact on social life | Author : Eti Leon Ben Nun, PhD student, IRIM, State of Israel Ludmila RO?CA, doctor habilitat in Philosophy, university professor, IRIM | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This article presents some results of the extensive investigation of the phenomenon
of sexual assault. Based on methodological pluralism and interdisciplinarity, the
authors set out to raise public awareness, the academic community, state institutions
with reference to the need to adopt a set of policies aimed at the rehabilitation and
social integration of victims of social aggression. Based on the huge negative impact
on the social life, on the stability and prosperity of the citizens, the authors recommend
the perfection of the legislative acts regarding the punishment of the aggressors, the
protection of the vulnerable people. The analysis of the experience of the states: Israel
and the Republic of Moldova regarding social assistance programs, allowed the
authors to find the insufficiency of the actions aimed at the rehabilitation and social
integration of the victims of sexual assault. |
| | Development of e-commerce in Republic of Moldova in contexts of developing UE Strategy | Author : Elena BADARAU, PhD in Economic Sciences, IRIM | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :At present, the EU and the Republic of Moldova are developing an ever closer
relationship, going beyond cooperation, to gradual economic integration and deepening political cooperation. European integration remains the main and irreversible
objective of internal and external agenda of the Republic of Moldova. In this context,
many strategies for integration of the Republic of Moldova into the EU are set out.
One of these strategies for economic integration is the EU Digital Single Market
Strategy. It sets out 3 specific actions: better access for consumers and businesses to
digital goods and services across Europe; creating the right conditions and a level
playing field for digital networks and innovative services to flourish; maximizing the
growth potential of the digital economy. |
| | Development of e-commerce in Republic of Moldova in contexts of developing UE Strategy | Author : Elena BADARAU, PhD in Economic Sciences, IRIM | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :At present, the EU and the Republic of Moldova are developing an ever closer
relationship, going beyond cooperation, to gradual economic integration and deepening political cooperation. European integration remains the main and irreversible
objective of internal and external agenda of the Republic of Moldova. In this context,
many strategies for integration of the Republic of Moldova into the EU are set out.
One of these strategies for economic integration is the EU Digital Single Market
Strategy. It sets out 3 specific actions: better access for consumers and businesses to
digital goods and services across Europe; creating the right conditions and a level
playing field for digital networks and innovative services to flourish; maximizing the
growth potential of the digital economy. |
| | The peculiarities of capital market in the Republic of Moldova and main directions of its development based on European Union experience | Author : Svetlana BILOOCAIA, PhD in Economic Sciences, associate professor, ASEM | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The transformation of the economic structure of society, including changes
in the field of financial relations, requires improving the research methods
and developing of new methodological approaches that are adequate to
market transformations. The below article presents a study of the national
capital market through the modern integrated analysis method used to assess
the evolution of the capital markets of the EU countries, both by national
regulators and European and international institutions. The study aims
at improving the existing methods of analyzing the financial market of the
Republic Moldova and reveals the complex interconnection of ongoing
institutional transformations, understanding the logic, main trends principles,
basic elements of evolution and development prospects. |
| | International legal order | Author : Constantin LAZARI, PhD in Public International Law, IRIM Constantin Constantin LAZARI, AML Specialist at the Bar Association of the Republic of Moldova, IRIM | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Along with the national legal order, the international legal order is conditioned
and substantiated by the general principles of law recognized by the members of
the international society. The contemporary international law system sensitizes the
opinion of all nations on universal values: equality of states, freedom of peoples, unity
and responsibility of states for the future of humanity, justice between peoples, etc.
Public international law through its laws and principles, regulates the conduct
of the states between them, establishing mutual rights and obligations. The object of
regulation being international relations between states. In order to be regulated by
the rules of international law, the international relations between the states must be
relations in which they appear as holders of their sovereign power, their behavior in
this field must be an expression of the state power on an external level.
Public international law regulates not only the relations between states, but
also the relations between states and other subjects of international law, such as
international organizations (with certain limits), nations and peoples (at a certain
stage of their evolution towards independence).
The will of the states, materialized in their behavior at the international level, in their foreign policy, manifests itself in the context of the impact of different, objective
and subjective, progressive and conservative factors.
The process of forming a common will of the states, expressed in the principles
and the norms of international law, is an arduous and difficult process, in which the
contradictory interests of the states are often confronted. Thus, there is a normal
connection between the formation of the norms of international law and the foreign
policy of the states. In the manifestations of foreign policy of the states, the process of
forming the common will, of the consensus, on the regulation of international relations
in a certain way according to their interests is carried out. Therefore, interest is a
dynamic factor in the process of forming the norms of international law.
The greater the number of participating states in the process of forming the norms
of international law, the more democratic the modalities of implementation, the more
the norms in question will be expressed through their content closer to the interest of
all participants, the more general the character, of universality of these provisions
will be wider and, implicitly, their more rigorous application, thus contributing to the
establishment of a stable international legal order.
Developing international relations in which all states have equal opportunities
for expression and conduct, which have the same effect in international life, would be
capable of giving international law more substance and efficiency.
Prospects for the evolution of international law towards a right of humanity includes:
international “fact”, which is, in essence, a social relationship that hides a
meaning given by the interests and values involved. Its range of significance may
be smaller or greater, in this sense, disarmament, underdevelopment, environmental
protection, etc. outlines areas of global interest, with long resonance;
the assertion of a right of humanity - for example, for the protection of the heritage
of humanity - is increasingly occurring, in areas not subject to the jurisdiction of the
states and in the environment. The notion of “humanity” is not only present, expressing
the community, the solidarity of the people, the persistence of their identity and the
rivalries between them, adding to the international law a transtemporal dimension,
targeting not only the past and present generations, but also the future ones.
In these ways, the international law of the future should accentuate and develop,
through concrete measures, planetary-scale goals that have not yet been achieved
due to the lack of a common vision of the future by the states. Numerous destructions
of human lives, cities, populations, which continue, put us in a position to endanger
humanity in its genetic data and to survive or to promote human rights, through the
achievement of the Rule of Law and the creation of a true international legal order
for humanity. The rule of law contains three main constituent elements: legality,
democracy and human rights, which are to be respected. |
| | Modern modalities of financing: particularities and opportunities | Author : Daniela BUMBAC, PhD student, USM | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In the context of a well-defined market economy, the economic agents need to
obtain, under the most advantageous conditions, the financial means necessary for
the financing of their activity, which has in the course of time led to the development
of complex financing methods, more efficient and accessible to the client legal. The
presence of the monopoly on the borrowed lending market by local commercial banks
creates impediments to the development and assurance of financial performance
of economic agents. One of the fundamental problems of the development of
entrepreneurship in Moldova is access to finance, which is often quite complicated
and costly. International practice reflects developments within the financial system
alongside commercial banks and other non-bank financial institutions, including
factoring companies, which ensure healthy competition in the financial services
market and free and fast access to borrowed funds. This view is conditional on the
need to explore international practice in the area of access to borrowed resources,
including the main aspects of modern financing arrangements. The practice of
developed countries highlights the presence of new ways of financing, also called
modern ways that offer the possibility of a complex package that includes financing
and other aspects such as the debtor’s debt management. |
| | Rights and duties of the non-coastal states in the exclusive economic zone | Author : Cristina CEBAN, PhD in Law, associate professor, USEM Maxim BRAILA, PhD student, USEM | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Intra-continental states, or, as they are often called, states that do not have a sea coast,
have the right of access to the sea, including the right to sail vessels under their flag.
This pre-existing right was enshrined in the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea,
which provides for the procedure to solve the problem of access of an inland state to the
sea on the territory of those countries located between the sea and this inland state.
In practice, this problem is solved in such a way that the state, which does not have
access to the sea, agrees with the corresponding seafront country to provide it with the
opportunity to use one or another seaport of a coastal country.
States without a major outlet have the right, in accordance with the Convention
on the Law of the Sea, to participate fairly in the exploitation of that part of the living
resources of the economic zones, which for one reason or another cannot be used by
the coastal state.
This right will be exercised in the economic zones of the coastal states of the same
region or sub-region by agreement with this coastal state. Under certain conditions
and by agreement with the coastal state, a developing state that does not have access
to the sea can have access not only to the unused part, but also to all the living
resources of the area. |
| | The legal essence of the public acquisitions contract and its forms | Author : Natalia CTITOR, PhD in Law, IRIM | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In this article, the author highlighted the particularities of the legal nature of
of the public acquisitions contract, which is becoming an increasingly current topic
and represents a special interest for public legal entities, as well as for natural and
legal persons practicing entrepreneurial activities due to the market economy. In the
Republic of Moldova, there is a need to refine the legislation in force, which regulates
by various normative acts different varieties of contracts, as well as the process of their
implementation. The author through his researches a demonstrated the correlation
of different aspects of the legal nature of the public procurement contract, analyzes
different new notions and other aspects that are considered new in the legislation of
the country and the practice of application. Thus, carrying out a complex investigation
on the specialized literature, of the legislation in force he creates a concept of this
institution of law, highlighting the particularities and specific characters, being also
a scientific novelty. As a result of this analysis the author formulates his own visions,
as well as a series of interesting conclusions. |
| | Police management as a legal discipline for the protection of public order during different public events | Author : Mihail BIRGAU, doctor habilitat in Law, university professor, IRIM Nichifor KARPOV, doctor habilitat in Law, university professor, Ukrainian State University of Finance and International Trade | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Protests have always been, are and will be an integral part of the lives of citizens
of any state. Without proper control, all kinds of protests and rallies can turn into
riots. The control must be carried out in accordance with all the laws that ensure the
rights and freedoms of citizens. Unfortunately, the police exercising such control do
not always respect the law and justice. Therefore, the control and all accompanying
measures should, first and foremost, be properly organized to protect the protesters
from themselves, as well as the state from harm and disorder. The organization and
implementation of the special measures to combat the protests must be studied in
detail, first of all, from a scientific and legal point of view. |
| | Alternative methods of dispute resolution in private law | Author : Ion BURUIANA, PhD in Law, associate professor, IRIM | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The present study attempts to take stock of the current position on this question,
and to demonstrate that the answer varies depending on the area in which one resorts
to ADR (alternative dispute resolution mechanisms). In matters where parties can
freely dispose of their rights, the principle of freedom of contract must prevail, save
that the procedural purpose of dispute resolution agreements will naturally affect
their regime.
Recently, in international arbitration practice are used multi-tiered dispute
resolution clauses which provide some preliminary steps of temptation to solve dispute
superior to address them to arbitration. These kinds of the clauses are perfectly lawful. |