Clinical Cardiology and Cardiovascular Interventions[ ISSN No. : 2641-0419 ]
Articles of Volume : 1 Issue : 2, October, 2018
Case Report: Acetylcholine Spasm Provocation Test By Trans-Radial Artery And Vein Approach AUTHORS

Case Report: Situs Inversus With Dextrocardia and Transposition Of Great Arteries From Diagnosis to Management

Research Article: Big Data Clustering in Cardiology Based on Modeling of Electrical Dynamics of the Heart in the form of Fermi-Pasta-Ulam Auto-Recurrence as a New Tool for the Study of Cardiac Activit

Short Communication:The Effects Chronic Acetaminophen Treatment on Age-Associated Alterations of Cardiac Function in the Female F344xBN Heart

Safety of Extracorporeal Shockwave Myocardial Revascularization (ESMR) in Patient with a Mechanical Prosthetic Valve.

The Lebanese Geitawi Hospital-University Medical Center Heart Failure Registry

Major Findings of the Angioplasty Procedure in Cohort of the Patients: A Epidemiological/Observational Study