Abstract :This study aims to introduce the “lesson study” model, which has attracted increasing interest in the professional development of pre-service teachers and in-service teachers in many branches, especially mathematics, and to reveal its applicability in the context of Turkey. School-based professional development, teacher-administrator mobility, etc. are used for the professional development of teachers around the world. There are different teacher development models. One of these methods is “lesson study”. This method involves teachers with different professional experiences, different upbringings, and different cultures determining a main goal/theme in cooperation, making a joint lesson plan in line with this goal, implementing this plan in the classroom environment, collecting data by observing the lesson, and if possible, at the end of the lesson, they make a lesson plan. It is a cyclical process that includes joint evaluation of this course throughout the day. It is of great importance to introduce lesson study to educational circles and to raise awareness among educators about this model. Because the "lesson study model" is a teacher development practice in which teachers are personally involved in the practice, are a part of the process, in short, teachers are active. In this context, this study aims to raise awareness among education stakeholders who are interested in the subject by briefly explaining what lesson study is and how it is implemented. In addition, at the end of the study, some suggestions were made regarding the introduction and applicability of the model in Turkey.