NOSYON: Uluslararasi Toplum ve Kültür Çalismalari Dergisi[ ISSN No. : 2667-5951 ]
Journal Profile  :
ISSN No. :2667-5951
Journal Title :NOSYON: Uluslararasi Toplum ve Kültür Çalismalari Dergisi
Journal URL :https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/nosyon
Suggest Date :5/15/2022
Publisher Name :Asst. Prof. Dr Baris CAGIRKAN
Contact No. :05417917821
Country :Turkey
Email ID :bcagirkan@gmail.com
Language :Turkish, English
Discipline :Multidiciplinary
Organization Name :AHBV
Frequency :Biannual
Start Year :2018
Journal Description :Nosyon is a peer-reviewed, international, electronic, open access and independent journal. It is published twice a year, in December and June. Nosyon: International Journal of Society and culture Studies serves to produce, develop and share knowledge, which is the primary purpose of academic studies, with scientific methods. In this context, Nosyon publishes academic studies on society and culture in electronic media. Nosyon accepts primarily academic studies in the fields of sociology, communication sciences, anthropology, philosophy and literature. Nosyon: International Journal of Society and Culture Studies is a free journal. No fees are charged from the authors during the submission or publication period. Nosyon magazine is indexed by ROAD, Google Scholar and ASOS Index. All studies, which are submitted to Nosyon: International Journal of Society and Cultural Studies, are subjected to check plagiarism, referee evaluation and Turkish and English language control stages. All studies submitted in this context are scanned with IThenticate (http://www.ithenticate.com/) or Turnitin (https://www.turnitin.com/) software program. The similarity rate must be 20% (twenty per cent) or less for publication. The referee process is not initiated for studies with a similarity rate higher than 20% (twenty per cent). These studies are reviewed in detail and sent back to the authors for reconsideration or revision when necessary. If plagiarism or unethical behaviour is detected in the studies, the study is rejected directly. To give an example of some behaviours that do not comply with the ethical principles and publication policy: (1) Identifying persons who do not contribute to the study as authors or not mentioning persons who contribute to the study as authors. (2) If the study is produced from a master’s/doctoral thesis or a project, it is not stated. (3) Conflicts of interest regarding submitted studies are not reported. (4) Deciphering the double-blind arbitration process.
Licence Type :CC BY-NC