Journal of Critical Studies in Language and Literature[ ISSN No. : 2732-4605 ]
Journal Profile  :
ISSN No. :2732-4605
Journal Title :Journal of Critical Studies in Language and Literature
Journal URL :https://jcsll.gta.org.uk/index.php/JCSLL/index
Suggest Date :6/10/2020
Publisher Name :Charles Ferrall
Contact No. :07438434539
Country :United Kingdom
Email ID :jcsll@gta.org.uk
Language :English
Discipline :Interdiciplinary
Organization Name :Global Talent Academy
Frequency :Bi-monthly
Start Year :2020
Journal Description :Journal of Critical Studies in Language and Literature (JCSLL) is a double-blind peer-reviewed "Premier" open access journal that represents an interdisciplinary and critical forum for analysing and discussing the various dimensions in the interplay between language, literature, and translation. It locates at the intersection of disciplines including linguistics, discourse studies, stylistic analysis, linguistic analysis of literature, comparative literature, literary criticism, translation studies, literary translation and related areas. It focuses mainly on the empirically and critically founded research on the role of language, literature, and translation in all social processes and dynamics. Articles submitted to JCSLL should bring together critical theories and concepts and in-depth, empirical, language- and literary-oriented analysis. They have to be problem-oriented and rely on well-informed contemporary as well as historical contextualisation of the analysed texts and contexts. Methodologies can be qualitative, quantitative or mixed, but must in any case be systematic and anchored in relevant linguistic, literary, and translation disciplines.
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