Insan Hareketliligi Uluslararasi Dergisi [ ISSN No. : 2792-0461 ]
Journal Profile  :
ISSN No. :2792-0461
Journal Title :Insan Hareketliligi Uluslararasi Dergisi
Journal URL :http://ijhm.baskent.edu.tr/kw/index.php
Suggest Date :8/24/2022
Publisher Name :Prof. Dr. Aytül Kasapoglu
Contact No. :+905061256139
Country :Turkey
Email ID :olgukaran@baskent.edu.tr
Language :Turkish, English
Discipline :Interdiciplinary
Organization Name :Baskent University
Frequency :Biannual
Start Year :2021
Journal Description : The International Journal of Human Mobility (IJHM) is an open-access peer-review journal that aims to contribute to the diversification and enrichment of migration studies in a way that meets today’s changing conditions and needs, supporting relational studies that go beyond classical approaches and examine differences and uncertainties with a process-based approach. IJHM welcomes research addressing the migration phenomenon both from the academic community and from the members of public, private and civil organizations and aiming at a holistic approach to migration, which contains complex and multidisciplinary processes. IJHM includes original empirical research, compiled works, case studies, short articles, and book reviews. IJHM has a flexible and multi-purpose structure, such as issue editions and special issues, where different approaches and disciplines can contribute. It aims to include studies with critical points of view and create a scholarly platform that opened to all researchers can freely share their work. IJHM first aims to be a journal indexed nationally (ULAKBIM-TR) and then in prestigious and internationally recognized international indexes (ISI) with a multidisciplinary and multi-purpose dynamic structure. With our advisory board members, editors, reviewers and authors, we aim to create an epistemological community by which the theoretical, methodical and paradigmatic challenges observed at national, international, regional and global levels on migration will be discussed. Unlike those who say “publish or perish”, we wish that IJHM will set out the understanding of “Words fly, but texts remain” as a long-term publishing life as a platform that cares about transforming academic work into publications.
Licence Type :CC BY