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On Dated : 4/11/2023 12:00:00 AM
Contact Name : Sophie
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Subject : Important ! Improve your scientific research
Message : Hello! Are you tired of spending countless hours searching for the latest research products in the literature? With our new AI tool, you can easily search through 1.2 billion citation statements to find the most recent mentions of a drug, protocol, reagent, or any other research product. Whether you''re a biotech company, a scientific student, a scientific publisher, a university, a library or a researcher, our AI can help you save time and stay ahead of the game. No more wasting time searching for how a method, dataset, gene, organism, research result, etc. are mentioned in the literature. The AI provides access to the insights of experts on practically any subject. Plus, you can improve the discoverability of your articles and increase the visibility of your publications by indexing them. Don''t wait any longer, try our AI tool now and start saving time on your research! Click on this link to get started: Best regards
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