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On Dated : 4/26/2023 12:00:00 AM
Contact Name : Olivier
Email ID :
Subject : Protect Your Hotel''s Data, Just Like My Grandma''s Memories
Message : Hello, My name is Emma, and I am the co-founder of Cybershieldresorts with my brother Olivier. We started this company out of our shared passion for cybersecurity. But more than that, we were personally affected by the devastating impact of cyberattacks. A few years ago, our grandmother, who has since passed away, fell victim to a cyberattack that compromised her personal data. She lost all the photos and memories that she had stored on her computer, which were very precious to her. We saw firsthand how cyberattacks can be destructive, not just for businesses, but also for individuals. That''s why we partnered with a leading security provider to offer you the best website protection available. We know that hotels handle sensitive data, such as payment information and customer booking details. It is crucial to protect this data against potential breaches. Did you know that the global volume of cyberattacks reached a record high in the fourth quarter of 2022, with an average of 1,168 attacks per week per company? As a hotel owner, you need to ensure that your guests'' data is protected from potential breaches. Our services are affordable and require no technical expertise. Additionally, you will be surprised at how inexpensive it is to protect your website compared to the potential financial and reputational damage of a cyberattack. We have already helped over 1051 satisfied clients and are recognized as one of the top vendors in our industry. By taking advantage of our exclusive offer today, you will not only increase the security of your website, but also show your customers that you value their safety and privacy. Click the link below to learn more about our partner''s services and secure your website now before it''s too late. Thank you for considering our services. We look forward to helping you protect your website and your customers'' privacy. Sincerely, Emma and Olivier
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