elizabeth.crawfod@gmail.com Reply to Contact
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On Dated : 5/5/2023 12:00:00 AM
Contact Name : Elizabeth
Email ID : elizabeth.crawfod@gmail.com
Subject : How to grow your social media presence in 2023
Message : Hi team at lbp.world, I''m Elizabeth, co-founder of Socialia, a social media marketing agency. I noticed your website, lbp.world However, it seems that you may not be leveraging social media to its full potential as a powerful marketing channel for your business. That''s where we come in. What we do: Social media management Create data-driven strategies Conent Creation Measure results with key metrics Success story: We helped clients like Nerdwax and sirthelabel in your niche increase their social media ROI by 294% in just 3 months. Interested? Reply to this email for a free, detailed proposal or schedule a 15-minute call with our expert: https://calendly.com/socialia-co/15min Limited-time offer. Visit our website for more info: https://tinyurl.com/vm3tmsc3 Looking forward to connecting! Best, Elizabeth Co-founder, Socialia
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