jurnalmkn.undip@gmail.com Reply to Contact
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On Dated : 7/4/2023 12:00:00 AM
Contact Name : aju putrijanti
Email ID : jurnalmkn.undip@gmail.com
Subject : Application for updating data to a new notary to be indexed in DRJI
Message : Our problem as the manager of the Notarius journal when we register our journal to DRJI when filling in the journal submit until it is finished and when we click Submit Request we see that there is information on our journal (Notarius) already registered in DRJI and listed the name of the Editor in Chief Journal (Notarius) for the old . And when we searched for articles from Notarius, we did not find any indexed in DRJI. Now the editor in Chief Journal Notarius has changed the new personnel, Aju Putrijanti and previously Paramita Prananingtyas. Please help how our journal can be indexed in DRJI. Our journal email: jurnalmkn.undip@gmail.com
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