explaineranimationstudio7@gmail.com Reply to Contact
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On Dated : 9/20/2023 12:00:00 AM
Contact Name : Mason
Email ID : explaineranimationstudio7@gmail.com
Subject : Just a quick question
Message : Hey! Do you want to increase sales for your business 24/7? If so, you have to grab people’s attention quickly. And there’s nothing like a catchy explainer video to do the trick! I have an exclusive offer available for the first 20 people that act on this message today, but you must act fast. While you would normally pay as much as $600, or probably even $1,000, for a 60-second video like this, I am providing the same service for only $97. Don’t be fooled by the price, we create high-quality videos, and you can see samples or order now at: https://bit.ly/explainer-animation-promo Not sure if you caught it, but this offer is only good this week, for the first 20 clients, so you need to order now, before you miss out. Have some questions and want to talk to someone first? No problem, you can schedule a call here: https://bit.ly/explainer-animation-studio-promo Again, this $97 promotion is for a 60-second explainer video and is for this week only. Don’t miss out!!! Click Here Now To Watch The Animated Video That We Created To Explain It All ---> https://bit.ly/explainer-animation-promo Cheers, Mason Jones Explainer Animation Studio
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