O Ekc mo Reply to Contact
Reply to Contacted Person ::
On Dated : 12/30/2023 12:00:00 AM
Contact Name : Ebony
Email ID : O Ekc mo
Subject : Emergency, Need Help!
Message : Hi there, I recently have been experiencing changes in my appetite and gaining excessive body weight and my friend recommended you guys to me. He spoke very highly of you and mentioned that your team was very helpful in his treatment. However he also mentioned that he had a hard time reaching out to schedule appointments and insurance approvals take forever. I don’t blame you or anyone but lack of staffing could contribute to your burn out and inefficiency. I feel bad about this and that is why I would like to recommend a service that my PCP is currently using. I highly suggest you give them a call to resolve matters about staffing. They have medical professionals who can help out in your phones to book appointments, call insurance companies for verifications, authorizations etc. Assist with your billing, accounts receivable, scribing and a whole lot more for about ten dollars an hour. Pretty decent aint it? So, yeah! If you''re down for all of those things, you can hit them up using this link below. https://bit.ly/pathologynews <== Hope you have a wonderful day. Regards, Ebony Rubeo
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