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On Dated : 8/24/2017 12:00:00 AM
Contact Name : Ketevan Buliskeria
Email ID : jfaeoffice@gmail.com
Subject : Application for indexing or abstracting by DRJI
Message : Dear Sir or Madam, The WFL Publisher is a registered science publisher, providing high-quality educational and professional content, in the areas of food, health, agriculture and environment. Details of the specific areas we disseminate can be found on our subject areas page. The title of our print and electronic journal is the Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment (Electronic ISSN: 1459-0263). As part of the e journal policy, effective from January 2015, we would like to submit the electronic Journal only, for indexing purposes. We are applying with respect to our electronic journal. We will be delighted to supply any further information you will need, to enable you evaluate our journal for inclusion in your indexing or abstracting lists or resources. Please send us your criteria or conditions to get our journal indexed in your system. We welcome your suggestions or guidance with regards to this application. You may send as a link of application form or questionnaire. Kindly include the link of your evaluation process so we can follow up. Since we have a new journal website https://www.wflpublisher.com/Journal and the electronic version of the journal JFAE ISSN: 1459-0263 we invite you to update the information in your system. If our journal will be considered for evaluation we will provide you with journal online access or any further information. Earlier feedback is welcome so that we can continue our cooperation. We look forward to your favorable response and thank you in advance. For additional information contact our editorial office. Yours sincerely, Ketevan Buliskeria Assistant WFL Publisher Ltd. Meri-Rastilantie 3B FI-00980, Helsinki, Finland E-mail: jfaeoffice@gmail.com info@world-food.net https://www.wflpublisher.com/Journal https://www.wflpublisher.com/Home
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