kku.kusbd@gmail.com Reply to Contact
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On Dated : 8/28/2017 12:00:00 AM
Contact Name : Editorial Board of Kirikkale University Journal of Social Sciences
Email ID : kku.kusbd@gmail.com
Subject : Journal Profile Correction
Message : Hello, We as Kirikkale University Journal of Social Sciences have applied for indexing in DRJI. Thank you for accepting our journal. We write this e-mail to inform you about journal profile page at your website. When we click on the name of our journal from this link http://olddrji.lbp.world/Search.aspx?J=k%C4%B1r%C4%B1kkale&S=0 it shows another journal''s profile. http://olddrji.lbp.world/JournalProfile.aspx?jid=0000-0000 Could you update the profile page of our journal please? Thank you for your interest, sincerely. Editorial Board of Kirikkale University Journal of Social Sciences
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