rananaveedshuja@gmail.com Reply to Contact
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On Dated : 6/25/2024 12:00:00 AM
Contact Name : Prof.Dr.Naveed Shuja
Email ID : rananaveedshuja@gmail.com
Subject : Journal Indexing
Message : My journal was indexed in your database you also genrate the certificate your website was down from some time and now i cant find my journal in the list and when i tried to resubmit it again cover photo jpg uploading error presists Journal Name: Developmental Medico-Life-Sciences https://dmlsjournal.com/index.php/January2024/index (ISSN Online: 3007-2794, Print: 3007-2786) Editor-in-chief: Prof.Dr. Naveed Shuja Frequency: Monthly Published and managed by: DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICO-LIFE-SCIENCES RESEARCH AND PUBLICATIONS (Pvt). Ltd
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