outreach@botgalore.com Reply to Contact
Reply to Contacted Person ::
On Dated : 3/26/2019 12:00:00 AM
Contact Name : Dave
Email ID : outreach@botgalore.com
Subject : I Wanted to Ask You Something About ashok
Message : Hello Dave here from The Bot Galore, I was wondering, seeing that you use your facebookpage ashok for your business, if you knew about that you had a digital assistant at your disposal for a fraction of the salary of a real person? Here is a small list of the things it can do for you: * Turn Cold Leads In To Hot Customers. * Automated Squeal Messages (Great For Return Customers) * Take Appointments And Send out Reminders. * Market Your Products & Services. * Hold Surveys. Would that interest you, if it does you can get a free custom demo built for your business, go to https://botgalore.com, scroll down and fill out the form and I will create for you a free demo. Hope to see you on the other side. Dave The Bot Galore +3112134395 info@botgalore.com Junostraat 6 2516BR, Den Haag Netherlands whatsapp: 031 612551404 Skype: yellowgreenmedia Instagram @thebotgalore Facebook botgalore
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