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Reply to Contacted Person ::
On Dated : 1/8/2025 12:00:00 AM
Contact Name : Vivien Deák
Email ID :
Subject : interest in conferences
Message : Dear Sir/Madam! I found two conferences on the internet and I would like to know if these are real ones or maybe something fake events. Can you help me? I found the following conferences: • Bangkok,Thailand during 06th Feb-07th Feb 2025. 2nd International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research • Bangkok,Thailand during 08th Feb-09th Feb 2025. 2nd International Conference on Social Science, Teaching and Learning The associates of the organiser IGRNet were the DRJI also, this is the way I have found your email address. I thought maybe you can tell me if the conferences I found are real. Thank you in advance! Best regards, Vivien Deák
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