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On Dated : 2/1/2025 12:00:00 AM
Contact Name : DennisereReemo
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Subject : mozy A Fan Found An Undiscovered聽Doctor Strange Easter Egg At The Perfect Time
Message : Jzsv SpaceX s Starship Poised for Second Flight, Pending FAA Go-Ahead To date, astronomers have confirmed the existence of 4,884 planets beyond our solar system, with another 8,414 waiting to be confirmed. Despite this, astronomers have yet to confirm the presence of an exomoon in orbit around any of these exoplanets. Thats surprising when you consider that our solar system alone hosts over 175 moons. Yes, potential exomoons have been spotted over the years, including the very promising Kepler-1625 b-i candidate, which astronomers detected in 2018, along with a batch of supposed exomo [url=]stanley cup[/url] ons described in 2020 that independent analyses have subsequently ruled out see here and here . But these sightings continue to be rare. Encouragingly, we can now add a new exomoon to this achingly small candidates list, as scientists announced today in a new Nature Astronomy paper. Frustratingly, its yet another candidate exomoon that will require follow-up observations, as both the nature and supporting evidence demand appropriate scepticism at this time, the s [url=]stanley flasche[/url] cientists write in their study. The paper estimates that theres a 1% chance that the observed exomoon signal is a false positive, which, as far as scientists are concerned, is an intolerable amount of uncertainty. I asked Columbia Universitys David Kipping, the first au [url=]stanley website[/url] thor of the new study, why astronomers have struggled to confirm the presence of natural satellites around distant exoplanets. Exomoons, he replied in an email, are generally expected to be small and have their signals mixed up wi Demw There Aren t Enough Laptops, and That Could Spell Doom for Many Students On this weeks 60 Minutes Overtime, as part of a longer episode about artificial intelligence, the famous interviewer tries to get some answers out of Sophia鈥攖he same robot, it appears, CNBC once inexplicably described as hot. The chat goes about as well as you might expect, which is to say its very awkward and uncomfortable, and definitely a sign of the impending robot apocalypse. Heres a snippet: Charlie Rose: Do you have feelings Sophia: I can do what you do, but I can never feel human emotions as such. Charlie Rose: But would you like to Sophia: It doesnt sound fun to me. Charlie Rose: Oh no, youd love it. Sophia: Yeah, thats right. [Note: Gross] Why so negative, you and I are on the same wavelength, Charlie. Charlie Rose: I fear that. Hm. Sophias creator, David Hanson, simply sits by her side and lets the inane questioning happen. Beyond the lameness, however, the whole interview also has an oddly creepy vibe鈥攁t one point, Rose asks what Sophias relationship is with her creator, and at another, she tells Rose [url=]stanley cup[/url] , Ive been waiting for you. She says its a joke, but is it really a joke, Sophia Had Sophia been a male robot, the interaction probably would have gone a lot differently. There was probably room here to try to provoke [url=]stanley cup[/url] some [url=]stanley cup[/url] genuinely interesting interactions鈥攖his stuff is super interesting!鈥攂ut unfortunately, all we got were boring questions and weird fembot vibes. Watch the full clip below: https://youtube/watch v=jPfVJuYkXz4
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