editorial@revistalexenlace.com Reply to Contact
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On Dated : 3/6/2025 12:00:00 AM
Contact Name : Roberto Alfonso Dueñas Arauz
Email ID : editorial@revistalexenlace.com
Subject : Error submitting my journal to your platform
Message : Dear DRJI team, My name is Roberto Alfonso Dueñas Arauz, and I am the founder and editor of the journal Lexenlace - Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Educación Comercial y Derecho. Our publication has the ISSN 3091-1605 and is available on our website: https://revistalexenlace.com. I am trying to register our journal on your platform through olddrji.lbp.world, but when submitting the information, I encounter the following error: "Access to the path ''C:\Inetpub\vhosts\lyakkald-91974.package\olddrji.lbp.world\wwwroot\JournalCover\16522.jpg'' is denied." It seems to be a server permission issue, as the application is unable to save the cover image. Could you help me resolve this issue or provide an alternative method to complete the registration process? I appreciate your attention and look forward to your prompt response. Best regards, Roberto Alfonso Dueñas Arauz Editor - Lexenlace Email: editorial@revistalexenlace.com Website: https://revistalexenlace.com
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