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On Dated : 5/7/2019 12:00:00 AM
Contact Name : Jung Cho
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Subject : full text
Message : Hi I am trying to access below article, but the links takes to an error page. Would you be able to send the PDF to us? Golden Research Thoughts GRT. Article Title Influence of combined and isolated yogic practices and yogic diet on maximal oxygen uptake and vital capacity of obese engineering college women Article Author: Pushpalatha, Thirumalaikumar S and Subramanian R Volume: 3 Issue/No: 12 2014 Pages: GRT-3975 Kind regards, Jung Cho | Resources Access & Interloan Librarian | Wellington Medical & Health Sciences Library | University of Otago, Wellington | Po Box 7343 | Wellington South 6242| New Zealand | +64 4 385 5307 |
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