editor.ijpp@edwiserinternational.com Reply to Contact
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On Dated : 1/27/2018 12:00:00 AM
Contact Name : Dr. Imran Kazmi
Email ID : editor.ijpp@edwiserinternational.com
Subject : My Journal is in Agreement Pending: What it means?
Message : Dear DRJI Officials, Greetings. Myself is Dr. Imran Kazmi, Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Pharmaceutics & Pharmacology published by Edwiser International. We have applied for indexing in your prestigious indexing service. Now my journal is showing up in Agreement Pending Tab. What is an Agreement Pending means? and how it can be resolved. Apart from that there is one typographical error in our ISSN- our actual ISSN is 2581-3080. But due to some typo error it is showing ISSN-2158-3080 in your database. We will be glad if you could fix this typo-error. We are looking forward to hearing from you. Regards, Dr. Imran Kazmi Editor-in-Chief
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