ulkukaraman44@hotmail.com Reply to Contact
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On Dated : 2/28/2018 12:00:00 AM
Contact Name : ulku karaman
Email ID : ulkukaraman44@hotmail.com
Subject : MIDDLE BLACK SEA JOURNAL OF HEALTH SCIENCE (MBSJHS)" of our journal we are logging in with the Directory of Research Journals Index, it shows different informations
Message : Dear authorized, When we click on the title "MIDDLE BLACK SEA JOURNAL OF HEALTH SCIENCE (MBSJHS)" of our journal we are logging in with the Directory of Research Journals Index, it shows different informations. Only when we click on "http://dergipark.gov.tr/mbsjohs" mail address of thejournal, we can reach our journal''s page. We wrote the information about our journal in order. We will be satisfied if the information is arranged as follows. Yours sincerely ISSN No : 2149-7796 Journal Title : Middle Black Sea Journal of Health Science Journal URL : http://dergipark.gov.tr/mbsjohs Publisher name : Ülkü Karaman Counrty : Turkey Language : English Discipline : İnderdiciplinary Organization Name : Ordu University Frequency : quaterly Start Year : 2005 Journal Description : The journal publishes clinical and experimental studies, interesting case reports, invited reviews and letters to the editor. Middle Black Sea Journal of Health Science is an international journal which is based on independent and unbiased double-blinded peer-review principles. The publishing language of the journal is English. The aim of the journal is to publish original articles with highest clinical and scientific quality at the international level. Middle Black Sea Journal of Health Science also publishes reviews covering fundamental innovations in health education, editorial articles, case reports and original images
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