jcr@journalcancerrehabilitation.org Reply to Contact
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On Dated : 6/21/2019 12:00:00 AM
Contact Name : Journal of Cancer Rehabilitation
Email ID : jcr@journalcancerrehabilitation.org
Subject : Indexing paper request
Message : Very kind DAIJ, We are writing to you from the editorial office of JCR - Journal of Cancer Rehabilitation, a quarterly open access international journal subjected to peer review dedicated to the publication of high quality research and other information relevant for the promotion of cancer treatment. We would like to know what are the ways of inserting our paper into your indexing database. We thank you for your kind cooperation and we look forward to receiving your feedback. Best regards, Francesca Brancato Editorial Office Journal of Cancer Rehabilitation Edisciences Corso Gelone 116/C 96100 - Siracusa - Italy +39 0931/1960524 editorialoffice@edisciences.org  jcr@journalcancerrehabilitation.org www.edisciences.org
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