editor@whioce.com Reply to Contact
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On Dated : 8/8/2019 12:00:00 AM
Contact Name : Ian Wong
Email ID : editor@whioce.com
Subject : Failure to submit journal and indexing failure
Message : Dear Sir/Madam, I am the Editor from Whioce Publishing Pte Ltd. We submitted three journals published by Whioce Publishing for indexing purpose in Directory of Research Journals Indexing (DRJI) during the period of December 2018 to January 2019. Eventually, only one journal, i.e. International Journal of Population Studies has been successfully indexed in DRJI. The other two journals were still in phase of "Agreement Pending" and "Recently Included" up until March/April 2019 based on my observation. However, these two journals were then no longer in these two categories. These two journals are: - International Journal of Bioprinting - Journal of Clinical and Translational Research In view of this, I have tried re-submitting the journals for evaluation on August 8, 2019. However, the requests were not accepted and a notification was shown, i.e. Your journal may be rejected. We appreciate if DRJI can let us know why these two journals were not indexed so that we can improve, and we ask for your kindness to allow us re-submit these two journals for evaluation in DRJI. Thank you.
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