editor.ro@nrsdj.com Reply to Contact
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On Dated : 5/15/2018 12:00:00 AM
Contact Name : Sabau Nicu Cornel
Email ID : editor.ro@nrsdj.com
Subject : Journal Profile
Message : Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to report you some problems concerning the journal Natural Resources and Sustainable Development on your platform. I would like to inform you that the journal cover doesn''t belong to our journal and also its origin is not the correct one. The journal is published in Romania and not in Turkey. We tried to change this information, but we couldn''t. On the other hand, after we uploaded the first paper, we couldn''t upload some others. Please let us know what is the next step to be taken in order to remedy all these problems. With this opportunity, I would also like to inform you that the Editor-in Chief is not Mr. Domuta Cornel (regretfully, he passed away a few months ago), but Mr. Cornel Nicu Sabau. We also changed the link to which the journal can be accessed. The present link is http://www.nrsdj.com . Thank you in advance for your support and we are looking forward for a fruitful and long-lasting cooperation! Yours sincerely, Nicu Cornel Sabau.
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