drsayedul@gmail.com Reply to Contact
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On Dated : 6/9/2018 12:00:00 AM
Contact Name : Dr. Md. Sayedul islam
Email ID : drsayedul@gmail.com
Subject : Prayer for Indexing of -Chest and Heart journal
Message : Dear sir Chest and Heart journal is a peer reviewed journal published twice a year January and July since 1998 in both printing and electronic form in English. The flow of paper submission for publication continues to be very good. papers are flowing from home and abroad. This has been due to quality of the journal and regular and timely publication.The reviewer and the advisory board of the journal are the eminent researcher of the country. The journal have web address-www.chabjournal.org. Coverpage is present there. The ISSN p 1562-5044. I was trying to send the request for Indexing after filling up the form but system is not accepting the ISSN number? May I request you for indexing our journal published by Chest and Heart association of Bangladesh. Dr. Md. Sayedul Islam Editor in Chief Chest and Heart journal Bangladesh
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