mirela.vasile@geo.unibuc.ro Reply to Contact
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On Dated : 3/20/2020 12:00:00 AM
Contact Name : Mirela Vasile
Email ID : mirela.vasile@geo.unibuc.ro
Subject : re-indexation of journal
Message : Hello! I am one of the assistant editors of the journal Revista de Geomorfologie (ISSN 1453-5068, 2285-6773). A new editorial board is managing the journal and a new website is close to its final form. We are trying to update the information about our journal in your database, but we cannot tell if it is still indexed or not (we only found some old entries). Should we fill a new indexation request for evaluation? How should we proceed? Thank you! With consideration, PhD Mirela Vasile Board member of the Romanian Association of Geomorphologists
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