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On Dated : 8/14/2018 12:00:00 AM
Contact Name : Suma de Negocios Journal
Email ID :
Subject : Indexing Suma de Negocios Journal
Message : Dear all, good afternoon Receive a warm greeting from the Suma de Negocios Journal team. We as a Journal are interesting in getting all our manuscripts published in the Suma de Negocios Journal indexed within Directory of Research Journals Indexing - DRJI. Therefore, we kindly ask you for further information about how we can submit these manuscripts or if we could have an account and submit them by ourselves. Please guide us through this process, we do really appreciate it. ISSN: 2215-910X ; e-ISSN: 2215-910X Kind regards, Cristhian David Ramos Sosa Editorial Assistant at the Suma de Negocios Journal Konrad Lorenz University Foundation Bogota - Colombia
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