wwr@uwr.edu.pl Reply to Contact
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On Dated : 1/12/2016 12:00:00 AM
Contact Name : Journal Wychowanie w Rodzinie [Family Upbringing]
Email ID : wwr@uwr.edu.pl
Subject : application to drji
Message : Dear Madame/ Sir, I represent Journal "Family Upbringing" which is affiliated by University of Wrocław. Journal is published twice a year. Article focused on education, family and pedagogy. Journal was created in 2011 and we published 11 issues. I would like to start the cooperation with drji. Could you send me information that the cooperation is possible and what we should do to start coopetition. I will be grateful for details, Regards, Aleksandra Marcinkiewicz-Wilk http://wychowaniewrodzinie.uni.wroc.pl/
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