editor@ijllt.org Reply to Contact
Reply to Contacted Person ::
On Dated : 10/8/2018 12:00:00 AM
Contact Name : Dr. Murad Sawalmeh
Email ID : editor@ijllt.org
Subject : Assigning my name under wrong journal title
Message : Dear Sir/Madam, I am the editor in chief of the International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Translation. It has been indexed in your database, and you have given us a certificate. However, there is a mistake you have made regarding typing the information. You assigned another journal (ARTUKLU KAIME INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND ADMINISTRATIVE RESEARCHES) under my name. Could you please modify the information and send me another certificate with the wrong journal title? What is written in your website id the following: ARTUKLU KAIME INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND ADMINISTRATIVE RESEARCHES Dr. Murad Sawalmeh TURKEY http://www.artuklu.edu.tr/en/artuklu-kaime Could you please change this information? Regards,
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