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On Dated : 10/8/2018 12:00:00 AM
Contact Name : Prof.(Dr.) Sudipta Ghosh
Email ID :
Subject : Kindly change our country name INDIA instate of Afghanistan
Message : ISSN No. : 2454-7190 Journal Title : JOURNAL OF MECHANICS OF CONTINUA AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES Journal URL : Publisher Name : Dr.P.C.Bhattacharyya Country : Afghanistan Language : ENGLISH Discipline : Multidiciplinary Organization Name : Institute of Mechanics of Continua and Mathematical Sciences Frequency : Bi-monthly Start Year : 1800 Journal Description : GENERAL IMPACT FACTOR: 2.2159 PRINT : 0973-8975 ISSN ON LINE : 2454-7190 INDEXED BY: Directory of ISSN assigned Indian Serials PH: 09088528828 TECHNICAL SUPERVISOR Crossref DOI (10.26782/jmcms) J-Gatelogo Frequency: 6 Issues In A Year 13 Volume 23 issues. Current Issue ?Vol – 13 No – 2(June 2018) Previous Issue ?Vol – 13 No – 1(April 2018) Chief Editor: Dr.J.Mukhopadhyay Joint Chief Editor : Dr.D.C.Sanyal Executive Chief Editor: Dr.P.C.Bhattacharyya E-mail : Executive Editor: Dr. S. Ghosh E-Mail: Web Site: Licence Type : CC BY-NC-ND
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