emangone@unisa.it Reply to Contact
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On Dated : 1/23/2021 12:00:00 AM
Contact Name : Emiliana Mangone
Email ID : emangone@unisa.it
Subject : Error reporting in a Journal profile
Message : Dear Sir./Madam, I am a Editor-in-Chief of the journal Culture e Studi del Sociale (ISSN: 2531-3975) and I report to you that in the journal profile there is an error: the website of the journal is changed with following: http://www.cussoc.it/index.php/journal. Is it possible change it) Furthermore, could you send me the guideline to upload the articles beacuse I do not have che username and password as publisher. In which way can i obtain these? Thank you for attention. Best regards, Emiliana Mangone
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