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On Dated : 3/9/2021 12:00:00 AM
Contact Name : Aulia Dina Wahyuningtyas
Email ID :
Subject : Journal Profil Changes
Message : Dear administrator, My name is Aulia Dina from Clinical and Research Journal in Internal Medicine, Indonesia. Would you mind to help me to change several info in our journal profile as stated below? journal title: Clinical and Research Journal in Internal Medicine Organization Name: Universitas Brawijaya Description: Clinical and Research Journal in Internal Medicine ( CRJIM ) is the official open access journal of Internal Medicine Research Center, Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia. It publishes articles two times per year. It is a peer reviewed publication of Indonesian Internal Medicine''s journals and accepting articles for publication from around the world. CRJIM only publishes articles in English version. The objective of this journal is to publish the selected clinical and basic research relevant to Internal Medicine. It covers the following topics: nephrology and hypertension, cardiology, pulmonology,endocrine-metabolic-diabetes, rheumatology, geriatrics, tropic-infection, hematology-oncology, allergy-imunology, gastro-entero-hepatology, psychosomatic. CRJIM publishes original researches, reviews, brief reports, editorial, case series, case reports, and commentary. Additionally, it also considers to publish animal, and in-silico studies relevant to Internal Medicine topic. It is an international journal dedicated to provide new information that could giving a new insight for alternative solutions, diagnosis, therapy and prevention for researchers and practitioners in Internal Medicine.
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