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On Dated : 12/23/2021 12:00:00 AM
Contact Name : Valentina Stratan
Email ID : elibrary@upsc.md
Subject : Asking for help ►Journal ► Issue (Articles)
Message : Dear team, DRJI I filled in the registration form of the journal Revista de Stiinte Socio-Umane (Publisher: "Ion Creanga" Pedagogical State University) and I found this registration in the list of indexed journals. Journal (despription) page ► http://olddrji.lbp.world/JournalProfile.aspx?jid=2587-330X. Thank you for accepting our journal. It is necessary to register the articles from the issues of the journal, and in this case I must have a login account. Tell me please, how can I access the journal page on DRJI ? Respectfully, Valentina Stratan Information Service ► Electronic Resources Scientific Library, UPSC
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