s.l.hindley@swansea.ac.uk Reply to Contact
Reply to Contacted Person ::
On Dated : 11/13/2018 12:00:00 AM
Contact Name : Sharon Hindley
Email ID : s.l.hindley@swansea.ac.uk
Subject : New Journal Submission Query
Message : Dear DRJI, Is it possible to have an update on the status of our journal submission please? The International Journal of Population Data Science (IJPDS) was submitted to DRJI on 15th September 2018 by Dr. Kerina Jones, Editor-in-Chief. As we have not had any feedback, could you please let us know how long the process is likely to take and the outcome of our submission if known at this stage. Many thanks and I look forward to hearing from you shortly Kind Regards Sharon Hindley IJPDS Marketing Manager
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