outreach@theshoutout.co Reply to Contact
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On Dated : 11/13/2018 12:00:00 AM
Contact Name : Dave
Email ID : outreach@theshoutout.co
Subject : Why is lbp.world Not Found on Instagram?
Message : Hi there How are you doing today? The reason that I reach out to you is that I came across lbp.world and I notice that you are not on Instagram at least I could not find it, and I did see that you are on facebook (ashok) and Twitter (@DRJIAshok) so you do understand that social media is a valuable tool to market your products and services. So, I was wondering why aren''t you on Instagram? Because, right now, Instagram is the place where your (in potential) future customers are hanging out, if you want to expand your market share a little bit you should be on Instagram yesterday. First, let me introduce myself, my name is Dave Zegers, and I am the owner of the Shoutout, don''t worry I am not trying to sell you anything, not yet anyway ;-)) What I will do is tell you about a free 88-page guide that I offer to business owners like yourself. This guide will show you step by step how to become successful with Instagram; I guarantee you if you follow what this manual tells you, you will have a great marketing tool for your business in two-three months, and it will only cost you your time. I know time is money but see it as an investment with a huge ROI. Here is the link https://theshoutout.co/gettheguide When you are done reading let me know what you think Thank you for your time Dave The Shout Out +3112134395 dave@the1shoutout.co Junostraat 6 2516BR, Den Haag Netherlands https://theshoutout.co
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